“Skill and confidence are an unconquered army”-Georg Herbert
Above explains the following….
HR by profession which I acknowledged to live. However, exploration/Wandering has always been in my DNA. I let it progress for living in a fine-tuned way. As an addition, I happen to relish the rest of the capacities through varied interests like Table Tennis (Represented Zone IV @ University Level Competitions), untrained Singing (Adopted for self-grin), Snookers (I look at this as a tool to improve the concentration levels and for fine-tuning the emphasis), Badminton (A tool for typical physical fitness), Swimming (Equal to 300 exercises), Bare Foot Half-Marathoner (adopted for contributing to the cause, 21.1 KMS- my best was 2:13 Hours), Solo-Rider (I ride Royal Enfield Classic 350 CC), Photography (Portrait and Landscape photography is my Pie), Explorer/Wanderer (A classic interest to know How-When-What-Who-Why), Psychotherapist (It left me with a grin on my facet for curing health issues of the people who knocks my door).
“The mother is weightier than the earth; the father is higher than the heaven”- Aranya Parva of Mahabaratha
Of all, this life is inadequate for expressing gratitude to my parentages who poured their knowledge profusely onto me. I did take it to the next level and could bag few - PG Dip. In Yoga and M. Sc. In Yoga, BMC & AMC (Mountaineering). I had successful research on curing the Psoriasis through the Naturopathic application in addition to the yogic practices. I treat 1st and 2nd level Cancer and Psoriasis, Thyroid, Psycho-somatic diseases etc.
“Explore to discover the new you to transform yourself to the next level of you” - Shravan Poshetty

I treaded into this universe and was docketed to a nuclear family as a younger one. The family of impeccable talents who made Nizamabad as the base since their first day of reality. The first thing I came to recognize is the definition of fondness, love and overhaul through my mother by the way she parented me and my brother. I happen to elate my infantile in plentiful imaginative traditions and crowned with a lot of physiological, social, psychological and mental appraisal. Off late, the seed of the endurance was imbibed into my DNA and gave a blank cheque to persuade myself in sports which took me to a very next level.
Simultaneously, the analogous path was on Yoga too, couldn’t evade as it was transported along with the sapthadhatus onto me. Primarily the curiosity on the road to Yoga was elephantiac later it got advanced and flourished eventually. Table Tennis has turned out to be my proficient sport apart from Snookers, Singing, Skating, Badminton etc. I represented zone IV through Osmania university table tennis competitions and secured merits, my poise echelons have gone very high to do something additional in life.
Happen to train the kids at Prathiba Table Tennis conservatoire, I must express gratitude to my guru Mr Lakshmikanth Sir (National champion) who qualified me to surpass in the game and could partake in numerous Mandal, District, State level and University level battles. Yet, all my studies were like cornice with no compunctions. Most of my educational life has gone in writing, writing and then again writing instead of reading lol…!
With least scuffle, I amassed the first quill B. Sc. Electronics from Pragathi Degree College, Nizamabad and started reckoning the supplementary superfluities into the quiver. There was a huge skirmish and propel for electing one path which elects my wholeness of the rest vocation. I had a pretty good deliberation and incongruities with my father, yet I gathered my nuts n bolts to elite the card of MBA HR. Trust me, neither I nor my Father has repentances for the pick I made.
Re-positioned to Hyderabad in 2005. A cluster of interrogations juggling, vague inferiority has taken over, City streets have taken the pulse to a further state, new life on detonation, Career views started whispering in the inner layers of the ears, a feeling of none in the crooks of cognizance, naive lexes roofed over the facet. For the first time, my depiction was tangled in the class on the very first day. Eventually, I mastered the conquest and the game was ON since then.
The element of exploration was obscured in the sheaths and got divulged timely. The incessant boos of the subliminal mind to explore all the time, to learn some of the other things. These taunts turned me to a nomad/explorer. The inception journey to the Himalayas hit me ardently like a storm that I started loving the way it is. The journey jam-packed my soul with double crunk. Then I demarcated it in my own shayeris…
“Qalb ka vasl hai aafreen si wadiyon ke asraar ko aagosh me lu
(The desire of the heart is to embrace the secret splendours of the mighty nature)
Musalsal si iztirar hai rooh ko kursheed ki afaaq ko paar kar lu
(The soul has become restless endlessly to cross the stunning vistas of the sun)
Taajoob ki baat thi ke meri hayat hai ba-dastoor ki justjoo ki muraad ko haasil kar lu
(Astoundingly my life is unbroken, and it is in the constant quest of chasing its wish/dreams)”

I started exploring varied topographies, forests, Himalayas, Sahyadris, People, Culture, Tradition, etc. But at the back of my mind, the two things were hindering from the day of my mental maturity and those two were shared by my creators one from each and am in continued pursuit to materialise them with utmost efforts.
Mother – “Earn a good name which can’t be removed”
Father- “Let the world know the actual intent of yoga”
With the proper learnings from my bygone, I derived the three inimitable and pretty rough philosophies for a joyful and steadfast soul to attain what one wants out of their corresponding life’s which is none other than PEACE:
- Me
Like father like son is the saying which came to attention over the years with the addition of a few more feathers through MBA HR, PG Dip. In Yoga, M. Sc in Yoga, Wildlife Forensic & Nature Conservationist, an untrained singer and finally a Mountaineer as desired. With all these on the deck, my dream has become feral. I got flabbergasted when I equated myself to me before and after 15 years.
“Two hindered wishes of my creators,
One unique mission over the cortex,
A chillax feel through thorough research,
A lot of questions/puzzles and the quest is on to find the solutions one by one,
A few years from now,
Widened my wingspan to set a new record,
Ready to fly,
Here I come with the yielded soul for an untouched mission to accomplish in a remarkable way”
-My Sub-conscious Mind